Just like in a cafe, we talk about everything. Nothing heavy. Just talk over a cup of coffee.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Control, fear, doubt and anger; these are the real deadly killers of the human race. We hurt ourselves by feeling these emotions and we hurt others by directing these emotions at them.

But what if we could direct unconditional love to whomever we meet? What then? Could we help the world be a better place? Maybe, maybe not but we'd certainly help ourselves. Why do we let other people hurt us? Because we put expectations on them, expectations that we ourselves have failed to live up to with others.

If you love someone you feel it and that feeling is yours. Look at children. We still love our children when they disappoint us why not our workmates, teachers, friends and most of all partners? It's because we put conditions on what we give out.

Who hasn't bought a present or done a job around the house expecting something in return - why? If you want to help someone or give something you choose to do it because you want to, not for "Brownie Points". No other reason than just because you want to - that is showing love.

You can help an old lady with her groceries and it feels good so why not with everything else?

When you learn that giving love without expectation is the purest of all faith, then and only then, will you be on the road to really knowing yourself.

Copyright © 1998 Victoria Muller

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