Just like in a cafe, we talk about everything. Nothing heavy. Just talk over a cup of coffee.

Monday, April 2, 2012


It is the most beautiful and wonderful creation of all things. Some choose to hide this marvelous and precious jewel away for others to find. Some are guarding this stone in the secured walls of the heart. This fortress is so closely protected, that even the beholder's fewest confidants cannot unlock this treasure the heart has buried so deep.

However, there are those infrequent, rare confidants who can find the sacred key to unlock the fortress. They must search far and wide to find it, but they are determined to do what they feel is right. They will bring this precious gem; the soul, to the light.

They will give the beholder a choice: To share their beautiful soul with the rest of the world; or to selfishly lock the wonderful creation up into the fortress of the heart again. The choice will be theirs.

Then there are some who have already chosen to share this gift; those who have known its beauty and power from the beginning. Those who choose to share it, will be the ones who will have the true, pure happiness. These will be the ones who will live their life to its fullest.

I encourage all those who have shared this special gift, to help those who cannot find the ability or want to bring their soul beyond the depths of the heart. Give them your understanding ear...

Laura D., Age 15 (Ohio)

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