Just like in a cafe, we talk about everything. Nothing heavy. Just talk over a cup of coffee.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


You are always taking care of yourself enough, when you do what is expected of you. Greatness is being responsible. Being responsible means to do what is expected of you. Focus on taking care of yourself enough while doing what is expected of you for yourself, your family, your profession, and your community.

Sometimes you think that you are focusing enough, however, when things are not going well it is because you are not focusing on taking care of yourself enough. Only you know if you are really taking care of yourself enough. No one thinks in your mind.

You are always taking care of yourself. Even if someone is drunk and stumbling all over the sidewalk, they are taking care of themselves the best they can under the circumstances. Life takes place in a decision. As soon as you take care of yourself, your expectations shift into gear. That is when you go for it! If you are not shifting your expectations into gear, it could be a sign that you are not taking care of yourself enough at this moment.

It is impossible for you to take care of someone else. You can do for others, you can be responsible to others, however you cannot take care of others or be responsible for them. That includes babies and elderly people. You do not think in their minds. You can question if someone is taking care of himself or herself enough. You cannot judge if they are doing so. You do not walk in their shoes.

The most challenging lesson you can learn is to focus enough on taking care of yourself! The problem with being a human being is that we forget, or sometimes we pretend not to know.

When you make a commitment to focus on taking care of yourself enough, you make a difference in your life and the life of others. Focusing on taking care of yourself while doing for others lets others know where you are coming from. It is important to come from your heart.

Work hard to take care of your self enough! Above all be honest with yourself and others. Always give the very best of yourself to others. If you think about it, you are all that you have to give.

You are created perfect in every way. Your results are created excellent. This leaves room for improvement. The room for improvement is still the greatest room in the world.

Some people spend their entire life looking for utopia (the ideal life.) The closest thing you will ever get to utopia is focusing on taking care of yourself enough most of the time.

You must forgive yourself for not having results that are perfect all the time. Some days, you are going to forget to focus enough.

All the advice you will ever receive in your lifetime, on any subject, translates into "take care of yourself enough."

What matters most is how you see yourself. The way you see yourself can sometimes be measured on how well you take care of yourself enough! Involve yourself in practicing to focus on taking care of yourself enough, while doing for yourself, your family, your profession, and your community. This is a great exercise in seeing yourself. The best way to see yourself is to focus on taking care of yourself enough. You cannot see yourself as others see you by looking in the mirror.

It is something like walking and chewing gum at the same time. You would do better if you focused on walking. If you focus on chewing gum, you could stumble and fall. Chewing gum should come naturally. Walking does not come naturally. People stumble and fall every day. The only real challenge you have in this life is to focus on taking very good care of yourself enough!

Practice, practice, and practice some more, focusing on taking care of yourself enough in everything you do. You will make better choices in everything you do, say, and think. You will be in touch with a most important resource in your life. Who you are is your gift. How well you take care of yourself, while doing for yourself and others, is your gift back.

Copyright © 2012 Mike Marino, Jr.

The author:
Mike Marino, Jr. aka "In Person", is the co-author of two books and a Distinguished Toastmaster who helps people fall in love with learning. He speaks and writes on the love of Knowledge is the root of all good!. To book Mike for your next association meeting, conference or corporate event, contact Mike Marino, Jr. "In Person" 504 833 4405 or email [email protected] 

Proud member of the New Orleans Metropolitan Convention and Visitors Bureau. Be sure to visit his website: http://mikemarinojrinperson.com 
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